‘A tsunami in the sky’: Climate change is melting Bhutan’s glaciers and the danger is real
channelnewsasia.com『新世紀エヴァンゲリオン』OP映像 にゃんこ大戦争ver [nyan version of a cruel angel's thesis]
youtu.beSubmitted by oolong in anime4unme
Submitted by oolong in anime4unme
oolong OP wrote
Reply to please tell me your simone weil opinions by oolong
ok i'll start. i read attente de dieu first, and am flipping through l'enracinement, la pesanteur et la grâce, la connaisance surnaturelle and pensées sans ordre concernant l'amour de dieu now. i find her frustrating, honestly! i may not disagree with the larger points but she sounds like the pastors i had growing up. i want to like her though