hollyhoppet OP wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by neku in Braid Anniversary Edition has ‘sold like dog sh*t’, creator Jonathan Blow says | VGC by hollyhoppet
you can be "heh obviously," jonathan blow is still a wanker
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to You know you've gone deep into being a reactionary when you find yourself asking why they introduced keepalive to HTTP by nitori
cucked transfer encoding
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to bsd will never be popular by twovests
i mean does anyone want bsd to be more popular?
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to I brushed my teeth twice in a row this evening by nitori
your enamel is forfeit
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to ho fun [Aa] by oolong
uooooh i love wide noodles.....
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to Daily Nitori #179: Propeller by nitori
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to linux will never be popular by twovests
hollyhoppet wrote (edited )
Reply to how do i get into a psych ward by ___
i know it's a little late, but get yourself to the nearest hospital, tell them you're having a mental health crisis. they'll take it from there. if that's too hard and you're in the us, call the national crisis lifeline at 988. most other countries will probably have an equivalent line as well. or if you're trans, it may be better to call trans lifeline at +1-877-565-8860
hollyhoppet wrote
hollyhoppet wrote
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to Until they add back the text post indicators I'm doing my part by adding them myself. [Aa] by flabberghaster
that was actually a hack i did for old jstpst at dt's request heh
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to Am I just silly, or is it amazing to see it become okay to openly criticize Israel? by twovests
you are extremely not silly. it was looking real bad for a while. like biden basically had abandoned even the pretense of caring about his constituents.
i would say i'm not optimistic but i'm less pessimistic. expectations are still rock bottom though lol
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by neku in i post bad music, i post good music by hollyhoppet
yeah i thought it was funny
hollyhoppet wrote
hey now hold on let's start with brunchposting
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in Do you guys actually hate the Chizza lol by nitori
i mean it's basically chicken parmesan minus pasta plus pepperoni
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to Do you guys actually hate the Chizza lol by nitori
i'd fuck with a chizza
might regret it the next day but i still would
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to HIV drug could be made for just $40 a year for every patient (instead they're charging $42,250) by hollyhoppet
"well we can make a killing if we charge $42,000, but what if we added a cheeky lil $250 on top of that"
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to Don't look it up. Can you say, off the top of your head, who Hillary Clinton's VP pick for the 2016 Presidential Election was? by twovests
some boring old white dude is all i remember
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by nomorepie in I hope kamala wins because it'll make hillary mad by devtesla
this sentence is detestable
hollyhoppet wrote
can you imagine hillary being kamala's vp and sitting at the inauguration?
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in me irl by hollyhoppet
my shoulder hurts
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by nitori in how can i get a dress like nitori's tbh by hollyhoppet
ok how can i go to gensokyo and become a kappa then. i like cucumbers already
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in hey, random question - why have we based the functioning of our entire world on almost entirely unregulated and highly vulnerable technology? by neku
damn it that was gonna be my answer
hollyhoppet wrote
whatever you do, do not tell the cops
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to Eating roasted coffee beans is more instant than "instant coffee" by nitori
reading this post is giving me heartburn