hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to the year is 1980 and ada is the language that will save you from memory unsafety. the year is 1995 and java is the language that will save you from memory unsafety. the year is 2010 and rust by twovests
this is painful because i have such a huge soft spot for ada
hollyhoppet wrote
hollyhoppet wrote
honestly as someone who spent a couple years with IBS-like symptoms i think you could be onto something with this
hollyhoppet wrote (edited )
I see it as a resource allocation problem that is caused by a motive for profit rather than a motive to make things that address needs of the people as a whole. A lot of software intended for really good and helpful purpose just gets completely ignored or is total garbage.
There are probably applications in computing for making our industries and infrastructure more efficient and safer that we can't even dream of. For example, I used to work for a company that built software used to simulate municipal water networks to do things such as track leaks, minimize water waste, and ensure efficient temperature management. The company was about 10 people large but the software serviced hundreds of cities, many in arid or desert regions of the world, where water conservation is paramount.
Unfortunately, the software was extremely buggy, as cities just don't have the money to compete with the amazons and googles of the world. Sometimes I wonder how amazing we could have made those tools if we had 25, or hell, 100 people.
No, I don't think we've taken computers too far. I think we've been coerced to attend to diversions that largely benefit those with access to the levers of power. I think in a liberated society we could take the wealth of talent and science we have and use it to solve actual problems.
hollyhoppet wrote (edited )
the advent of the "hey sign up" "here's a support chat box" "how are you enjoying the site?" lightboxes and overlays herald the doom of the web
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in This is post number 6870. We are 99 posts away from post 6969. Please prepare accordingly by twovests
i'll be sad though
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in This is post number 6870. We are 99 posts away from post 6969. Please prepare accordingly by twovests
(that was a joke)
hollyhoppet admin wrote
Reply to comment by neku in This is post number 6870. We are 99 posts away from post 6969. Please prepare accordingly by twovests
if i found out anyone has actually done this they will be banned
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to everyone come back to tumblr by toasthaste
i no longer wish to be on a corporate owned social network
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to earl grey... the tuesday of teas by oolong
i don't know why but yeah this sounds totally right
hollyhoppet wrote (edited )
Reply to did jstpsts favicon used to be a pixelated circle by cat
well i mean i never changed it and i’m the only one who can put things up on the server so i dunno lol
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in homestuck ran for 7 years. the finale is reaching its 6 year anniversary. feel old yet? by twovests
same, sorry 1vs
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to Undertale is still my favorite game of all time. Why doesn't Xbox make a better video game? by twovests
i hear the new halo is pretty fun
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by ___ in holly’s wordle rules by hollyhoppet
forbidden knowledge
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by ___ in holly’s wordle rules by hollyhoppet
i would almost say this is true, but for the fact that it seems plural words are not chosen very frequently
hollyhoppet wrote (edited )
Reply to So they played Megalovania in front of The Pope... (Original Arrangement by ConSoul Big Band) by Moonside
i wonder if those halberd dudes are trained to use them
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by Fangren in holly’s wordle rules by hollyhoppet
probably an optimal choice unless you're going for a shot-in-the-dark 1/6
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in holly’s wordle rules by hollyhoppet
i mean that’s a pretty good choice considering e n and s are some of the most common letters
hollyhoppet wrote
Foxhole is a blast but yeah logi needs some improvements, but I still love it. You're constantly a hero when you do supply deliveries lol. Can't believe the author of the article is encouraging crossing picket lines though.
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by neku in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, by twovests
oh noooooooo bursts into flames
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, by twovests
this is a perfect encapsulation of mine and i'm sure many others' feelings
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Cryptocurrency expert here! I'd like to dispell some common misconceptions about NFTs. :) Myth: NFTs are good. Truth: NFTs are not good by twovests
e-notary services do this already without a blockchain and i'd trust a notary as a source of proof more than anything blockchain related
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Cryptocurrency expert here! I'd like to dispell some common misconceptions about NFTs. :) Myth: NFTs are good. Truth: NFTs are not good by twovests
notarization at its core is a government endorsed person called a notary says "yes this document is official and i've seen it." why does a timestamp matter?
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Cryptocurrency expert here! I'd like to dispell some common misconceptions about NFTs. :) Myth: NFTs are good. Truth: NFTs are not good by twovests
we already have a system for notarizing things it's called electronic notarization
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to Why do we even have toes by flabberghaster
you ever see a gonk droid walk? that's why we have toes