
flabberghaster wrote

I just read a Washington Post article about her and it's really pissing me off.

The center and the right have found that smearing her in the same way as corbyn is really effective, so now anyone who says "hey how about we stop supporting a regime that blows off protester's kneecaps with snipers" is actually an antisemite.

It's immensely frustrating. And it's especially dangerous because if you conflate those two things what you're doing is reinforcing the idea that israel and Judaism are the same thing. So whatever evil Israel does you're imputing onto jews at large.

Not to mention the conflation of "nation" with "ethnicity" plays strongly into ethnonationalistic rhetoric. If "Israel" and "Judaism" are the same then "saudi arabia" and "arabs" are more closely aligned. Same goes for whiteness and western countries.

The whole thing fucking sucks at every fucking level. And we all now they're just doing it because of lobbying and foreign policy agendas. They don't actually have sincere beliefs on this, these op ed writers and politicians who are after ilhan omar and corbyn.


flabberghaster wrote (edited )

I often have noise cancelling headphones on and i forget how quiet the office is with them off. So i sometimes end up engrossed in a problem and start swearing to myself, before remembering that to everyone else i sound like a weirdo muttering profanity.