Recent comments in /f/vote_satan
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by neku in been too long since we've had a good chart here by hollyhoppet
it's like the perfect storm of strawman arguments and lack of depth in critical thinking
neku wrote (edited )
i feel repulsed by this image in a way that i do not usually feel when i see images like it. it's like, the opposite of looking at a happy kitten or something. just. yeugh
ellynu wrote
Reply to ted cruz's new facial hair by razz
convinced me to vote for satan thank you
neku wrote
Reply to ted cruz's new facial hair by razz
i dont want to think about that but thank you.
twovests wrote
Reply to ted cruz's new facial hair by razz
haven't seen it but i am horrified
Emily wrote
Reply to Taking Kamala Harris Seriously by devtesla
i wont and you cant make me
razz wrote
Reply to Taking Kamala Harris Seriously by devtesla
man fuuuuuck this lady and her anti-truancy horseshit. poor families end up with obscene fines or maybe even jail time because their kids are missing school. meanwhile mrs. harris kicks back in her posh multi-million dollar home, safe and secure behind not one, not two, but three padlocks on her front door.
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in rip in peace "mastodon" by hollyhoppet
Hmmm I’ll keep an eye out on my timeline for an instance that would be a good fit for you
voxpoplar wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in rip in peace "mastodon" by hollyhoppet
I'm on I'd move but I've no idea where to move to.
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in rip in peace "mastodon" by hollyhoppet
Aside from the obvious alt-right/nazi/anti-sjw instances (which most instances block) I pretty much don't bother engaging with anything from or or the other big "flagship" instances because like... they're so bad lol. Many of the smaller instances don't even include them in their list of "known" networks.
I guess Mastodon is crumbling in the sense that the flagship instances aren't in a very healthy place, but the idea of a flagship instance was probably a mistake in the first place anyway.
devtesla wrote
Reply to rip in peace "mastodon" by hollyhoppet
This article is a mess but yea I don't use mastodon for basically the reasons they cite
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to Visionary Brain Genius Elon Musk Has Invented The World's Worst And Most Expensive Subway by neku
musk really can't stand the idea of being in the same space as poor people can he
musou wrote
both my parents lost their jobs in that same McDonnell Douglas closure too.
the layoffs had long-lasting consequences in the labor market there. my dad was making minimum wage selling TVs at Circuit City for years afterward, because it was so hard to find work with a 2 year degree in EE as that plant had employed so many folks with those skills who all got laid off at once. eventually he had to move across the country just to find work.
mm_ wrote
Reply to The Making of a Sympathetic Man [that "best burger in America" story is bullshit] by devtesla
oh man i loved that article when i first read it, then i was ready to think like oh i see it was hugely exagerated or whatever but damn no it was just like 100% a lie and hugely unethical reporting etc, and uh eff this owner and like im mad that this writer once made me sympathetic (and also not implicating jstpst or anything as i saw it first and was taken in on other sites)
neku wrote
every day america produces for me personally a delightful new grift
Fangren wrote
what the actual hell
musou wrote
Reply to You snooze, you lose: Insurers make the old adage literally true - Insurers spy on sleep apnea sufferers via connected CPAP machines. by devtesla
augh this is so creepy
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to completely accurately plotted chart by devtesla
i'm so confused
musou wrote
Reply to completely accurately plotted chart by devtesla
oh no
cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote
devtesla OP wrote
Reply to comment by cute_spider_ni_srsly in 🌟 by devtesla
there is no scream loud enough srsly. there's no scream
musou wrote (edited )
Reply to been too long since we've had a good chart here by hollyhoppet
Sören Kierkegaard, "The Present Age," 1846