Submitted by flabberghaster in venting
Things are not going well. I don't want to get in to specifics, but my mental health is really deteriorating and i'm not sure what to do to pull out of the spiral.
I'm not like, gonna self harm or anything I'm just... I feel trapped in patterns and behaviors that I can recognize but I find myself doing them, and even while doing them I'm thinking "stop doing this, you're acting crazy" but I just keep doing them.
I need to pull it together but "just pull it together" is not really an effective strategy, historically.
I_got_killed_one_time wrote
Go to the doctor or just a therapist. They can be good for you. From knowing you i think you could benefit from a therapist, they can give you advice and strategies on how to deal with and ease out of the behaviours youre talking about.
You dont have to do everything yourself. It doesn't make you less nobel or more weak if you cant fix your brain and completely cure yourself from first principles. Because thats not possible. Its ok to get help. People want to help.