Submitted by ___ in venting

ive tried everything i could to keep it private and get him out of my life, i wish so much that he was dead right fucking now. ive gone through so much fucking awful garbage shit recently,and he just decided out of nowhere to add to it by sending me an email out of nowherejust to tell me he knows my name. fucking hell i want to cry, it feels like everything i've done to try and completely distance myself was all for nothing. now the worst most hateful and evil piece of shit person i've ever met in my short insignificant fucking life knows who i am and how to get to me. fuck. fuck. i really just want to disappear. theres just nothing i can do except pray that he dies, and that still hasnt workwd. god i feel like im about to have another breakdown



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twovests wrote

(First, I am very happy and relieved to see you again, despite the circumstances. You are welcome here and we love you.)

But, yeah, fuck :( That's a shitty situation and I can relate to it. 🫂


flabberghaster wrote

Jesus. Fuck that guy. Are you safe physically?