Submitted by twovests in television
Mr. Robot is one of my favorite shows of all time and I can recommend it wholeheartedly.
Early into the show, they introduce a character who is plural, and who is the only good plural representation I have ever seen.
Further, as a Professional in the field, the hacking / computer stuff in the show is top-notch. Almost everything is plausible! Double whammy good if you work on Computer.
As a bonus, it's streaming nowhere, so you have to torrent it. Very much in the spirit of the show.
flabberghaster wrote
The titles of all the episodes are made to reflect the filenames commonly found in torrents.
But I never knew how accurate it is regarding plurality. It seems rather ham fisted and over the top at times to me, a non plural.
I do love the show though, I've watched it through like three times I think.