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flabberghaster wrote

IDK I think there is a use for keeping the same stream open if you're a big website serving a lot of clients tbh. Each TCP handshake takes three packets minimum (unless you use TCP fastopen which is its whole own thing), and then if you want SSL on top of that there's even more latency, especially for slow connections, plus the computation, which is small per request but if you're a big site serving a lot of people it adds up. Even if you're not jamming your page full of ten trillion google ads it can add up.

Using the same connection again if you expect the client to make another one pretty soon makes a lot of sense.

I don't do web dev tho so what do I know.


nitori OP wrote

I think TCP FO should be the way to go since it's more elegant imo than keeping a connection open, though unfortunately ossification means it will take a very long while to get all TCP-based services and clients to support it.. There's also privacy issues with its cookies

As for SSL, if we just had tcpcrypt or any other opportunistic encryption we wouldn't need Let's Encrypt or any free TLS lol (I feel like TLS has been abused too much, it should've been more about identity verification than encryption). I'm actually hopeful for Yggdrasil since it's an IPv6 mesh network where end-to-end encryption between IPs is the norm and each IP is a public key