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flabberghaster wrote

The one thing i find hard about rust is that most of the programs I write for my day to day use are things that basically just call linux system calls, or use popular C libraries, things that C++ is extremely good at. Or they're things that are trivial to do in python.

So as much as I like Rust, I don't actually know how to perform a sha256sum on a file and then set an xattr for it (without shelling out or downloading a random crate).

It's little things like that that keep it from being my go-to, but it's really good and I want to use it more.


twovests OP wrote

Oh yeah. One of Rust's biggest problems is that very few batteries are included. (Even rand is a crate!) Big "can't break std's api if you don't have a std"

This isn't a blocker for anything I do but you are very right