Submitted by WRETCHEDSORCERESS in lunch
As a vegetarian many people ask me how I get protein. For most, of course, there are any number of great answers. For me the answer oscillates between "By the skin of my teeth" and "I don't."
I am cursed by the wretched wizard (autism spectrum disorder food aversions) with a fell soporific charm (tiredness from mild protein deficiency)
Probably restricting my diet even further than the restrictions imposed by ASD is imprudent, but I am too ethically uncomfortable with meat etc and also it is one of my aversions anyway lol. I should be eating a block of high protein super firm tofu a day or something but it's just hard to maintain the pace. I ought to get my blender out of the boxes and make protein shakes but protein powder is pricey!!!
There is no end to my assorted food-travails, but posting regularly here helps. I gotta eat good lunch for good posts.
hummus started tasting off so I'm only eating the pita chips now :(