After 28 years, a copy of SimRefinery has been successfully recovered
obscuritory.comSubmitted by mm_
paper mary o is good now
twitter.comSubmitted by Presidential_Afro
imagine having the sheer fucking gumption to send this dm over a vidoe game cat. i love it. the kids are so alright
66.media.tumblr.comSubmitted by neku
Control vs DLSS 2.0: Can 540p Match 1080p Image Quality?
youtube.comSubmitted by devtesla
Animal Crossing’s fake language is different in Japan, and here’s why
youtube.comSubmitted by voxpoplar
man i love fishing
twitter.comSubmitted by hollyhoppet
Diabotical Closed Beta - Weekend 1 Trailer
youtube.comSubmitted by musou
Submitted by voxpoplar
Start your 2020 with a Mount & Blade clone filled with anime sex dolls
pcgamer.comSubmitted by hollyhoppet (edited )
[CW for some ablist language] The podcast Bad End did an episode with Tim Rogers where he talks about some wild stuff, including about working for shitty mobile games, and bad startups. It's pretty wild.
podbay.fmSubmitted by hollyhoppet
I came across this cool blog of someone going through and explaining various things about Sonic 3's assembly code
s3unlocked.blogspot.comSubmitted by voxpoplar
The Strange Tale of Rockstar’s Cancelled “E” Rated Austin Powers Kart Racer
fanbyte.comSubmitted by devtesla
Submitted by hollyhoppet (edited )
please observe this cute game about being a dog in a dog park
sokpop.itch.ioSubmitted by hollyhoppet (edited )
still can't believe OVERTIME is a game that exists: Team Fortress prequel game / Undertale recreation. It's a full game with three routes and entirely free.
youtube.comSubmitted by twovests
Submitted by voxpoplar
buy Environmental Station Alpha for $3.19
store.steampowered.comSubmitted by twovests
Tim Rogers on Final Fantasy VIII Remastered
youtube.comSubmitted by devtesla
Submitted by hollyhoppet
Submitted by devtesla