Recent comments in /f/killallgames
neku wrote
Well it's so nice for them to be looking out for consumers like that /s
mm_ OP wrote
Reply to comment by joeheadjoe in Most Plumbers Don’t Give a Shit That Mario Is No Longer a Plumber — But Some Really, Really Do by mm_
ahh good thanks
joeheadjoe wrote
Reply to Most Plumbers Don’t Give a Shit That Mario Is No Longer a Plumber — But Some Really, Really Do by mm_
just in case anyone is worried, they made him a plumber again
mm_ wrote
Reply to comment by mm_ in Burrito Galaxy development seems to be coming along nicely by hollyhoppet
mm_ wrote
lol it is so good
Moonside wrote
Bought it yesterday and started playing it, but I'm not on my first mission yet. Saturn ftw!
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by Caribou in Dead Cells (v good gam) is made by people who also have good politics it seems by Dogmantra
It’s a good game and perfect for the switch
Caribou wrote
Reply to Dead Cells (v good gam) is made by people who also have good politics it seems by Dogmantra
I'm gonna check this out when it arrives on the switch.
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to Dead Cells (v good gam) is made by people who also have good politics it seems by Dogmantra
who knew paying everyone the same was a good idea
Moonside wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in are toads (from mario not the amphibians) all just one big hive mind? by hollyhoppet
Maybe Toadette is Sans.
voxpoplar wrote
but then why is that guy in mario odyssey never able to find the other toads
mm_ wrote
oh i like this theory
Presidential_Afro wrote
they are like bees and toadette is the queen
cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote
They are hiveminds when they are tadpoles, yes. Herpetologists have confirmed this.
xifiesco wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in A cozy Doom mod that radically repurposes any Doom level into an Animal Crossing-like nonviolent social space where each monster has a name and something to say. by hollyhoppet
y don't you play doom?
neku wrote
Reply to Valve sounds like a nightmare to work in by voxpoplar
heres an article someone wrote about he tweets
Moonside wrote
Reply to Valve sounds like a nightmare to work in by voxpoplar
Maybe I should finally pick up some Foucault, this sounds exactly the kind of concerns he apparently wrote on.
musou wrote
Reply to comment by cat in the nintendo switch news app has a poll asking whether a hot dog is a sandwich for national hot dog day by hollyhoppet
mm_ wrote
Reply to The Quirky Domain - a non-euclidean Doom map by xifiesco
oo excited to try this
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by xifiesco in A cozy Doom mod that radically repurposes any Doom level into an Animal Crossing-like nonviolent social space where each monster has a name and something to say. by hollyhoppet
sadly i don't actually play doom i just thought this was really cool lol
cat wrote
Reply to comment by musou in the nintendo switch news app has a poll asking whether a hot dog is a sandwich for national hot dog day by hollyhoppet
what is a food? do all foods have to be edible? do all foods have to have a physicality? do all foods have to be wholey concerned with being a food?
cat wrote
mm_ wrote
Reply to comment by xifiesco in A cozy Doom mod that radically repurposes any Doom level into an Animal Crossing-like nonviolent social space where each monster has a name and something to say. by hollyhoppet
ive been big into doom mods lately, i cant believe 'golden souls', that crossover between doom and mario, like its incredible how good it is and how much time was put into it, 2nd one came out last month but i havent cracked it open yet
musou wrote
Reply to the nintendo switch news app has a poll asking whether a hot dog is a sandwich for national hot dog day by hollyhoppet
a hot dog is food
voxpoplar wrote
Reply to map of the uk by hollyhoppet
much of this is not the uk >:(