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mm_ wrote

didnt like this until i noticed the horse imprint


Caribou wrote

all I know about this game is the realistic horse nuts


hollyhoppet wrote

As a sim nerd I’m all over stuff like this... except maybe not the horse nuts thing


hitto wrote

honestly i love the sand effects. is there a button to make, like, a sand angel?


neku wrote

that horse got up really quick. i feel like horses are the kind of creature where if they fall over its not easy to get back up


Moonside wrote

I thought that the horse imprint was the thing people were impressed by, the horse falling down is just a means to get that cool environmental effect.


voxpoplar wrote

god imagine if all the technology they're putting into this game was open source

fuckin' capitalism man


hollyhoppet wrote

You'd be surprised. I think because their front legs and hind legs bend in opposite directions it gives them a lot of flexibility and stability. Granted I do think it's still getting up a bit unrealistically fast, but not toooo badly... more just a bit video game handwavy fast


toasthaste wrote

I think about this so often

Like, the water in Sea of Thieves. EVERY game could have water like that, if people would just SHARE instead of forcing each other to do redundant work!