Submitted by twovests in just_post (edited )

in my primary education, around 2008, i had a friend who was also a rabid conspiracy theorist

he said obama was going to swiftly impose "fema camps" and Canada, America, and Mexico would join together under the "North American Union" and impose a "new world order"

but he never really articulated the negatives of these

a north american union sounded exciting for obvious reasons

this "new world order" sounded like a really cool thing that would bring the end of wars

and i thought "fema camps" were something akin to "national parks"

although i never had been camping or owned money of my own, i was so excited that i could go to mexico and canada for free without a passport, spend a summer in a fema camp, and i was really jazzed to see what the amero coins would look like

obviously now i know fema death camps and a NWO wouldn't be good things, and these conspiracies aren't true, but for like a week or so of my childhood i thought these things were real and coming up and i was jazzed about them



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neku wrote

fema camping trip. you get to live in a tent with all your friends


flabberghaster wrote

All these conspiracies they had about Obama are pretty close to the stuff they advocated doing to leftists and immigrants tbh.

"FEMA is building concentration camps and is going to round us up and put is in them! We have to build up militias to defend ourselves from the radical Muslim communist Obama!" ice concentration camps are being built and being used to sterilize and deport immigrants while right wing conspiracy people spent the entirety of trumps term waiting for The Storm when trump declares martial law and hangs all the Democrats and blm antifas

It's projection all the way down.