the pooproom
cat wrote
in a home setting?? really no dont appreicate those what if you need to take a shit after you just get into the shower,, not good
hollyhoppet wrote
you piss more often than you poop so wouldn't pissroom be better?
emma OP wrote
i mean i poop more often than i bathe, so it's incremental progress
cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote
pfft I don't
hollyhoppet wrote
maybe you're not drinking enough water
cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote
dang I meant to reply to this with a joke about poopin' like eight times a day but now it's been four days and it doesn't really seem so funny anymore.
hollyhoppet wrote
naw it would have been good even four days late time is an illusion
cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote
time may be an illusion but these thirty-two poops are all too real
neku wrote
what about bathrooms with separate toilets that dont have a bath