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flabberghaster wrote

I will vote downballot but I will not vote for Biden.

Idk why Dems think Biden will help them with the supreme Court with his record on supreme Court nominations...

The Democratic party is handing this election to Trump and then blaming everyone but themselves for it, just like they always do. I'm not going to play in to the bullshit anymore. I am not going to be told that after a years long campaign of the DNC saying Sanders and anyone who supports him, or anyone who wants medicare for all or any number of things that I care deeply about, are toxic and poisonous, have the DNC do everything in it's power to stop those things from happening, and then tell the people they have been calling evil that if we don't vote for the candidate they picked who openly opposed everything important to us that we are responsible for trump.

I hate when people say call political things gaslighting but I don't know a better term for it.