you know what's pretty neat? birds Submitted by hollyhoppet 12 days ago in just_post i like birds tbh 6 comments 11
flabberghaster wrote 12 days ago they think they're better than us. flying around all over the place, like they're so good. Permalink 6 hollyhoppet OP wrote 11 days ago honestly with how communicative crows can be i wonder if they actually do think they're better than us lol Permalink Parent 6 rain wrote 11 days ago I’m not sure they’re wrong? Depends on your metrics I guess Permalink Parent 5
hollyhoppet OP wrote 11 days ago honestly with how communicative crows can be i wonder if they actually do think they're better than us lol Permalink Parent 6 rain wrote 11 days ago I’m not sure they’re wrong? Depends on your metrics I guess Permalink Parent 5
rain wrote 11 days ago I’m not sure they’re wrong? Depends on your metrics I guess Permalink Parent 5
skookin wrote 11 days ago i go silly for the many tiny dinosaurs who grace me with their presence, and bribe them with peanuts regularly Permalink 3
cowloom wrote 10 days ago found android 16's jstpst account but in all seriousness, yes, birds are neat Permalink 3
hollyhoppet OP wrote
like dang.... they got hollow bones. that's kinda wild