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flabberghaster wrote

Plus you now get to tell people "I use Linux actually 😏" and have them think you're really cool


twovests wrote

I hope this doesn't come off as patronizing, but welcome to feeling this way every year. I constantly feel something like a guilty mixture of pity and relief every time I see the Windows that so many people put up with.

Windows Recall takes the cake though. I can not believe all the things I hear about it, it sounds like the wildest imaginations of some 2023-era luddite.

FWIW, I think I can remember five big Linux controversies over the past 15 years (privacy-preserving Amazon integrated into Ubuntu lenses, shellshock, systemd, snaps in ubuntu, xz recently)?

i luv linux so much. it makes computer SO much less bad


hollyhoppet OP wrote (edited )

FWIW, I think I can remember five big Linux controversies over the past 15 years

Torvalds' abusive behaviors (though it seems he's since chilled out on and apologized for), and richard stallman just as a whole i would say count among them too


twovests wrote

Agreed-- I still think the disparity between Linux/Microsoft holds here, but I probably shouldn't have omitted the Perpetual Font of Flame and Mr. Does Not Know Women Are People


hollyhoppet OP wrote

oh yeah i mean there's still like an order of magnitude of difference compared to microsoft lmao