Recent comments in /f/games
twovests wrote
Reply to get steamworld dig 2 for free by neku
Steamworld Dig is a good game
Steamworld Dig 2 is also a good game, better even
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in i'm sick and catching up on action button videos now by hollyhoppet
he does a decent number on filmmaking stuff, but there's some variety in there. he's my favorite, I will watch basically any video he makes about any topic cause I just really like how he does it. his 50 shades of gray video is real good, and I know a lot of people like his "art of editing and suicide squad" one
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in i'm sick and catching up on action button videos now by hollyhoppet
he's my favorite
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in i'm sick and catching up on action button videos now by hollyhoppet
never heard of him. looks like some general video essay guy?
voxpoplar wrote
Recently when I was feeling down I binged through rewatching loads of Dan Olson videos.
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in i'm sick and catching up on action button videos now by hollyhoppet
at first i thought you meant "good sick" as a way to emphasize how good it is (e.g. "that's sick bro") lol
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by toasthaste in i'm sick and catching up on action button videos now by hollyhoppet
if he ever releases any of his alleged 58 novels i'll buy it in a heartbeat lol
devtesla wrote
action button is good sick content
toasthaste wrote
I really like how he has this kind of ridiculous pretentious-type of persona but then also the moments of earnestness, he walks the line very well imo. helps that he's also a good writer when it comes to the bigbrain smartwords stuff too obv
Moonside OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in I just want to see the new Tim Rogers video ; _ ; by Moonside
I am like pretty close to wanting to start learning Japanese just to play Tokimeki Memorial.
hollyhoppet wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by toasthaste in I just want to see the new Tim Rogers video ; _ ; by Moonside
i'm watching this now and i'm honestly considering using tokimeki memorial as a way to improve my japanese literacy lmao. and by "now" i mean over the course of this week
Moonside OP wrote
Reply to comment by toasthaste in I just want to see the new Tim Rogers video ; _ ; by Moonside
I have the fannish itch to share it yet I don't know who would be interested in it. A marvelous thing that is impenetrable by design without being least bit pretentious.
Yup! Apparently there are multiple vids being done in parallel so we should be seeing more content more often in the coming next 11 months at least! Not that Tim has anything to apologize for.
toasthaste wrote
I am obsessed with his tokimeki memorial video I've gotten a few friends to watch it even though it's 6 hours long
Is the new one still Cyberpunk? I feel like I remember him saying it'd be out, like, last January lmao. no shame, his shit is good, I'm sure it takes a ton of work
Moonside OP wrote
Reply to comment by KeithPreDramamine in 'Cookie Clicker' Wasn't Meant to Be Fun. Why Is It So Popular 8 Years Later? by Moonside
Hey thanks for noticing and telling me - however late, I still fixed the link. Amps are a true pestilence of modern internet.
Moonside OP wrote
Reply to comment by oolong in 'Cookie Clicker' Wasn't Meant to Be Fun. Why Is It So Popular 8 Years Later? by Moonside
For a supposedly meaningless game, it had such a delightfully bonkers narrative that really ends up being more memorable than the vast majority of game stories.
oolong wrote
cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote
Reply to get control, the video game, for free by neku
Dang I just bought that like a month ago. P fun
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to get control, the video game, for free by neku
control is one of my favorite games of the past few years
voxpoplar wrote
Reply to get control, the video game, for free by neku
what an epic megagame
toasthaste wrote
Reply to $15 'Game Making Bundle' includes Tic-80, Sprite-Stack, 1BitDragon, and more by twovests
dang I'm sad I missed this
voxpoplar wrote
Reply to $15 'Game Making Bundle' includes Tic-80, Sprite-Stack, 1BitDragon, and more by twovests
I will buy this and then probably never use any of them thank you
milkbanana wrote
Reply to SAGE '21 - Trailer by voxpoplar
not bad