Recent comments in /f/games

Moonside OP wrote

I have the fannish itch to share it yet I don't know who would be interested in it. A marvelous thing that is impenetrable by design without being least bit pretentious.

Yup! Apparently there are multiple vids being done in parallel so we should be seeing more content more often in the coming next 11 months at least! Not that Tim has anything to apologize for.


toasthaste wrote

I am obsessed with his tokimeki memorial video I've gotten a few friends to watch it even though it's 6 hours long

Is the new one still Cyberpunk? I feel like I remember him saying it'd be out, like, last January lmao. no shame, his shit is good, I'm sure it takes a ton of work


twovests wrote

Oh yea! I skimmed the article to the end originally and I realize I came off as more negative than I intended lol

I appreciate the input the author has too. For historical appreciation of videogames, I really think it's important people know that emulation and media like these restorations aren't true to the source.

E.g. I love Shovel Knight and The Messenger and all the modern pixel-art aesthetic but they aren't replicating the real look of pixels blasted onto a CRT. I have a strong memory of being surprised by the realism of the hand in SNES clue. The dithering looks different when it's a tad fuzzy. I know this is a lukewarm take but I'm excited for if indie devs experimentally regress in technology, and are releasing experimental games for specialized hardware with shitty displays (or whatnot). Like Panic's 'PlayDate' with a monochrome display and a hand-crank.