The rise and fall of peer review
experimentalhistory.substack.comDolphin Progress Report: September, October, and November 2022
crouton.netI think about "sexism is when girls aren't allowed to play baseball" frequently
jstpst.netchost chost chost I want to see yur chosts I want to be yur friend
cohost.orgSubmitted by voxpoplar in itrunsmood
Submitted by voxpoplar in technology
Dolphin Progress Report: July and August 2022
dolphin-emu.orgPlaying a Janet Jackson song would crash some old laptops
rockpapershotgun.comSubmitted by voxpoplar in technology
Doom can now run on a jailbroken tractor
rockpapershotgun.comSubmitted by voxpoplar in itrunsmood
someone uploaded a version of Hypercam 2 that gives you the unregistered watermark to the Internet Archive because the official version doesn't any more
archive.orgYou can run Doom inside (DOS) Doom, for real.
youtube.comSubmitted by voxpoplar in itrunsmood
Dolphin Progress Report: May and June 2022
dolphin-emu.orgSubmitted by voxpoplar in killallgames
melon.zoneSubmitted by voxpoplar in itrunsmood
Sliderland Doom
blinry.orgSubmitted by voxpoplar in itrunsmood