The Gender Fluidity of Krazy Kat
newyorker.comJulian Robotnik's theme half-hour
youtube.complease watch this video of me jumping off the tall level in spark 2
youtube.comexciting news for furries
theguardian.comSubmitted by voxpoplar in technology
joseph biden is literally joseph manderly
twitter.comSubmitted by voxpoplar in vote_satan
PR guy for sheffield MP resigns by calling his boss "the most disgustingly morally bankrupt person I have ever had the displeasure of working with" on his own twitter account
twitter.comSubmitted by voxpoplar in vote_satan
beatonna.tumblr.comThe weird magic of eiderdown
theguardian.comWhat Happened When I Peeked Into My Node_Modules Directory
medium.comSubmitted by voxpoplar in programming
Game of Thrones intro with all locations stitched together
youtube.comSubmitted by voxpoplar in technology
Chelsea Manning turns into Ben Shapiro
twitch.tvSubmitted by voxpoplar in vote_satan
I wrote a thing [Fictional news article. Hellworld. Maybe vaguely cyberpunk?]
oakreef.tumblr.comSonic and the Black Knight
youtube.comThe best of Unknown Pleasures 2018
rockpapershotgun.comSubmitted by voxpoplar in killallgames
Project Cars developers making own console, the Mad Box
rockpapershotgun.comSubmitted by voxpoplar in killallgames
Doom went golfing and exploring Roomba brains over the holidays
rockpapershotgun.comSubmitted by voxpoplar in killallgames