[Touhou Arrange] Magus Night PC-98
youtube.comTouhou Shinmadan OST (Java Phone Fangame)
youtube.comRebels With a Cause: Myanmar’s Resistance Adds an Unlikely Revenue Stream
irrawaddy.comUsing AI to pretend I've got friends in Half Life 2 | NPC Voicechat Mod
youtube.comSubmitted by nitori in killallgames
Touhou Java Phone Games
youtube.comThe Perpetual Snow of Komakusa Blossoms (Touhou Kouryuudou ~ Unconnected Marketeers) [16-bit, PC-98][東方みどけ~きアレンジ] 佐渡の二ッ岩
youtube.comJust ate the leftover kaldereta from yesterevening
jstpst.netToday is Sysadmin Appreciation Day!
en.wikipedia.orgSubmitted by nitori in technology
en.wikipedia.orgvolkswagen detects when your tests are being run in a CI server, and makes them pass
github.comSubmitted by nitori in programming