nearly forgot to post this
youtube.comGuantánamo’s Darkest Secret — The U.S. military prison’s leadership considered Mohamedou Salahi to be its highest-value detainee. But his guard suspected otherwise.
newyorker.coma great post
grassfire.tumblr.comUpdate Origin Now Witness is free on the Epic Games Store
epicgames.comHow BioWare's Anthem Went Wrong And Qbby Swap Shape For April Fool's Day
nintendo-insider.comyou can now tell alexa to "open the voice of trans" to hear a transgender man's personal traumas
out.comSubmitted by neku in vote_satan
Get Morrowind for free on the Bethesda games launcher
bethesda.netRussiagate is this generation's WMD
taibbi.substack.comThe Kickstarter Union is getting scolded by their bosses for being too white to unionise
gizmodo.comSubmitted by neku in vote_satan
Get Tacoma for free by subscribing to the Humble Bundle newsletter
humblebundle.comthe Dabbing Democrat Beto O'ROurke wrote a story about killing children when he was a teen???
twitter.comSubmitted by neku in vote_satan
Why Are Millennial Women Cheating More Than Men?
melmagazine.comhere's a lawsuit about the fanfiction trope alpha/beta/omega dynamics
twitter.comThe Obama Boys: The memoirs of White House staffers can show us how not to do politics
currentaffairs.orgValve Removes Rape Day From Steam With Vague, Nonsensical Statement by neku in killallgames
[cw] Steam is in the rape fantasy business
gamesindustry.bizSubmitted by neku in killallgames
me irl
i.imgur.comme irl
i.imgur.comi added some more games to my game giveaway list
jstpst.netApple Shows Facebook Who Has the Power in an App Dispute
nytimes.comSubmitted by neku in technology (edited )