Even In A Fursuit, SonicFox Keeps Winning Fighting Game Tournaments
compete.kotaku.comSubmitted by devtesla in killallgames
Submitted by devtesla in anime4unme
Is This An Ad For Soylent?
buzzfeed.comSubmitted by devtesla in technology
PlatinumGames is making what looks like a spiritual successor to Ōkami (But...)
eurogamer.netSubmitted by devtesla in killallgames
Submitted by devtesla in killallgames
A Taxonomy of Tech Debt
engineering.riotgames.comSubmitted by devtesla in programming
“Is curing patients a sustainable business model?” Goldman Sachs analysts ask
arstechnica.comSubmitted by devtesla in vote_satan
Submitted by devtesla in killallgames
attn: toast
i.imgur.comHumble Book Bundle is offering a bunch of game studies books by MIT Press
humblebundle.comThe Only Honest Right Wing Pundit Is a Violent One
splinternews.comSubmitted by devtesla in vote_satan
the wear a MY WAR shirt everyday guy had a kid!!! it's so cute!!!!
instagram.comReady Player One Themed Roblox Event Becomes A Big Mess
kotaku.comThe Working Person's Guide to the Industry That Might Kill Your Company
splinternews.comSubmitted by devtesla in vote_satan