How America's Largest Local TV Owner Turned Its News Anchors Into Soldiers In Trump's War On The Media
theconcourse.deadspin.comSubmitted by devtesla in vote_satan
It’s weirdly hard to steal Mark Zuckerberg’s trash
theoutline.comSubmitted by devtesla in technology
meme about anthropology
i.imgur.comh e l l s h a k e y a n o
i.imgur.comThe Very Unnerving Existence of Teen Boss, a Magazine for Girls[tw sexual harassment] Analysis: A closer look at MidBoss' chaotic, hostile work environment
gamasutra.comSubmitted by devtesla in killallgames
if you were waiting for a review of spelberg's ready player one that makes a case that it's subversive well here it is
slantmagazine.comWhen Campus “Free Speech” Is a Marketing Ploy - On Free Speech at the University of Chicago
slate.comSubmitted by devtesla in vote_satan
- C L O W N - C O L L E G E -
youtube.comJoe Biden Sucks
splinternews.comSubmitted by devtesla in vote_satan
I'm gonna be flipping through this Japanese street fashion mag all day
archive.orgIt's a Real Bad Sign That Craigslist Shut Down Their Personals Section
splinternews.comSubmitted by devtesla in vote_satan
a blessed copy of kirb
twitter.comSubmitted by devtesla in killallgames
This Time, Facebook Really Might Be Fucked
gizmodo.comSubmitted by devtesla in technology
Submitted by devtesla in vote_satan
What Sex Workers Know That Congress Doesn't
splinternews.comSubmitted by devtesla in vote_satan
National Geographic Replaces Racist Fictions With Post-racial Fantasies
nymag.comSubmitted by devtesla in vote_satan