
Moonside OP wrote

Spoilers aren't a huge deal for this ending because even if you see some frame it's going to be difficult to contextualize - there's lots going in the finale. Avoid spoilers if you wanna, but nothing will be ruined so there's no need for fear, that's all what I'm saying.


Moonside OP wrote

I heard the finale will be bittersweet in universe... I have the vibes, based on nothing, that it will be sorta elegic, disenchantment of the world type of narrative. A bit like Mother 3, maybe? Something of a "they still adventured together sometimes" type of story.

I'm hoping that Cinnamon Bun gets to be a hero - that would be cool and amazing end to his character arc.


  • Bubbline will finally be canon in present and through all of future, not just in the past. (Or has it become in universe present canon? If it did, I can't remember, the weird scheduling has killed my information retention capabilities.)

  • the tree house will be destroyed.