I feel like we had better discussions in the fandom in the early days because with a weekly schedule there was time for reacting and anticipation at the same time. So reactions had a direction to go towards and any fan theories already had an excuse which to hook readers with. Now it seems like 98% of the time only fan art makes it in the fandom and there's only so many ways Peridot can smooch Amethyst, right?
I think the bomb format roughly exists because times are difficult in broadcasting and the company needs to have something to make kids excited so boom they have events they can advertise. And the Teen Titans Go! stuff is partly because the parent company owns DC and they need to manufacture the future film audiences.
Personally speaking, what I like about this affair is that I know what's coming. Three bombs? Three bombs. No need to go to checkout /r/StevenUniverse every three weeks. The relief does, I think, makes up somewhat for the bomb format. Like previously we never had any inkling what might be coming up until like two or three weeks in advance, if someone leaked some info or if Brazil or France broadcasts or mobile app streams an episode before CN in US? Like hell yes I now know what we're in for.
The warmer stuff gets, the sweeter it generally tastes. So if you have sweet dish you want to serve hot and you taste it cold when adjusting sweetness, you should totally lowball it. In other words, people who bake cinnamon buns are basically wizards.
I made a playlist, but I got into scope creep and now it's has stuff that kinda has some vibes like that. The first half has lofiesque and YouTube moe audio stuff, the latter one vidya game stuff.
It also seems like the PostMill code base is like a million times more tractable than what Reddit had. Like there were a few small fixes I had in my mind to open as issues on Gitlab which are still perfectly feasible to implement. And if I bothered to learn PHP I could apply my own elbow grease in the spirit of oakreef too.
I thought the issue with bad pizza wasn't that it's overcooked, but rather that the oven wasn't hot enough or cheese had too much moisture and it remained gross and soggy.
To add to what the admin said, the software this site runs on, PostMill, will on some future date probably have more options for adding images to themes and shit.
EDIT: ok the author stopped development of PostMill so that's not going to happen.
I feel like this is, again, some Uncle Bob bullshit. Seriously, fuck that sexist prick. He has this schtick about how TDD is all and other techniques to improve reliability and reduce errors are bullshit. Like I would be much more congenial to the attitude if it implied things like (choose your own picks):
programming by contract
property based testing
unit testing
integration testing
good method documentation, perhaps with (an) example(s)
literate programming
code review
formal specs
some nicer type system
pair programming
safer languages - if there are no segfaults, you don't need to advertise the risk of one
Have some people dedicated on hammering your software in evil manners
proofs (but that's avant garde tbh)
stats on commits/bugs per product, project, package, module, file, method/function. If something gets a lot of work done, unleash the testers.
Outsourcing to Donald Knuth
I think it's the case usually that this comment hater has one or three favorite techniques they like and thus disregard the rest of the universe and I bet they don't even have TAOCP on their book shelf.
It has this cute logic of "excess comments indicate poor quality" and also this hidden thing where you don't need to write comments that you find boring to write anyway but now you have a virtuous reason not to.
If I was an instructor on some software course, I'd make an online assignment to come up with 5 excuses for not writing documentation and share the best answers with the class afterwards.
Class invariants are imo cool and underappreciated part of OOP. It's also my belief, untainted by any real research though, that designing, verifying and testing them would kill lots of bugs.
tbh I do want to admit contemporary academic success measured by metrics isn't, like, the way to decide these things since phrenology also had its heyday once. I haven't been reading Chomsky since I was like 14 so I can't judge him adequately but I'm also somewhat disinterested in him so yeah.
Moonside OP wrote
Reply to comment by toasthaste in Three Steven bombs coming this year? by Moonside
I feel like we had better discussions in the fandom in the early days because with a weekly schedule there was time for reacting and anticipation at the same time. So reactions had a direction to go towards and any fan theories already had an excuse which to hook readers with. Now it seems like 98% of the time only fan art makes it in the fandom and there's only so many ways Peridot can smooch Amethyst, right?
I think the bomb format roughly exists because times are difficult in broadcasting and the company needs to have something to make kids excited so boom they have events they can advertise. And the Teen Titans Go! stuff is partly because the parent company owns DC and they need to manufacture the future film audiences.