Moonside wrote
Here's a most relevant essay by Umberto Eco:
Macintosh is catholic and MS-DOS is protestant.
Moonside wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Any advice for building up a basic wardrobe? by twovests
With fabrics you're kinda living in happy times as it's easy to research on the internet and the very basics are quite applicable in and of itself. You could just take two clothes made of different fibres and read on their differences and verify it through your senses.
I mean, this kind of a bottom up approach made clothes and fashion more legible to me at least.
Moonside wrote
Reply to i got a cold by hollyhoppet
I just recovered from the oddest cold. I was snotty for almost two weeks, had mild fever for two days and a high one, over 39 degrees that plummeted down to 37.5 degrees after like two hours. I literally accomplished this by taking paracetamol and having a cold shower. Then after two days of recovery I got what apparently is bronchitis that resolved in a few hours(?!).
And apparently other people have also gotten this, so it's not just me.
Thank you for reading my personal essay.
Moonside wrote
Reply to benchmarks for the new nvidia cards are out by devtesla
I'm confused by the text "1920x1080" in the upper left corner. What does that have to do with Bitcoin?
Moonside wrote
Reply to Linus Torvalds made an actual legit apology for his abusive behaviours and is taking time off to find assistance for it by hollyhoppet
I didn't read the whole of Torvalds' post as I zoned out from the technical details, but the apology basically oozes Finnishness at every point. Lack of emotional intelligence or plain old disagreeableness is not by any means a national characteristic, but a brand of earnestness and directness is.
Moonside wrote
They should streamline the process to let people dovorce in-game.
Moonside wrote
Reply to Larry King tries to voice Sonic the Hedgehog by devtesla
Tries? Nails it. Cast Larry in The Legend of Sonic: Pet Cemetery Zone Chronicles.
Moonside wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in Yuusha Yoshihiko is a really good show by hollyhoppet
This was even better haha
Moonside OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in Is your kid glued to his phone? It may be key way to deal with chaotic world by Moonside
Yeah I am definitely pretty much the same. For example much like the article mentioned, I have difficult time tuning out background music during conversations, which sucks boinkydoinkers. I think it definitely played into my childhood obsessions with comics, books, legos and video games.
It's kind of amazing though how much you need to fight other people to let them give some peace, even people I've known for a long time.
Moonside OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in Yeah the Adventure Time finale RULED by Moonside
The nice thing is that you get to make your own scheduling. The show pretty much gets better monotonically until the end, I realized it was something special that could have staying power during the third season.
Moonside OP wrote
Reply to comment by cute_spider_ni_srsly in Yeah the Adventure Time finale RULED by Moonside
Spoilers aren't a huge deal for this ending because even if you see some frame it's going to be difficult to contextualize - there's lots going in the finale. Avoid spoilers if you wanna, but nothing will be ruined so there's no need for fear, that's all what I'm saying.
Moonside OP wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in Yeah the Adventure Time finale RULED by Moonside
I cried buckets lol
Moonside wrote
Reply to the chart to end all charts by hollyhoppet
I'd really like to know what makes graphorrheics tick. Like the mere ugliness of it really ought to be a reason to doubt it, right?
Moonside OP wrote
Reply to comment by Moonside in Adventure Time finale thread: here be spoilers by Moonside
Moonside OP wrote (edited )
Check the Reddit thread and its Discord for available streams. Some of the Rab.bit rooms are full.
Moonside OP wrote
I heard the finale will be bittersweet in universe... I have the vibes, based on nothing, that it will be sorta elegic, disenchantment of the world type of narrative. A bit like Mother 3, maybe? Something of a "they still adventured together sometimes" type of story.
I'm hoping that Cinnamon Bun gets to be a hero - that would be cool and amazing end to his character arc.
Bubbline will finally be canon in present and through all of future, not just in the past. (Or has it become in universe present canon? If it did, I can't remember, the weird scheduling has killed my information retention capabilities.)
the tree house will be destroyed.
Moonside OP wrote (edited )
The folks over at Reddit will be setting their own stream, see for details here. You need to register an account at before joining. I did it myself and it was a painless process. IDK if it's any good though, I'll see tonight.
Moonside wrote
Reply to lol this building is so wild by mm_
That's one real interesting building.
Moonside OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in The Oscar Wilde of YouTube fights the alt-right with decadence and seduction by Moonside
You should like watch her videos in reverse chronological order whenever you can, she's like the best political content creator on YouTube.
Moonside OP wrote
Reply to comment by cute_spider_ni_srsly in my iPad generated this in the middle of a fucking therapy session and i clicked on it and had to physically restrain myself from bursting into tears of laughter by Moonside
It was a clip of funny animal pictures set to a dramatic soundtrack and the juxtaposition was most hilarious.
Moonside OP wrote
Reply to my iPad generated this in the middle of a fucking therapy session and i clicked on it and had to physically restrain myself from bursting into tears of laughter by Moonside
Also rip content
I'll never stop posting
It was not created in vain
That content
Moonside OP wrote
Moonside wrote
This was certainly a thorough investigation.
Moonside wrote
Reply to sad reacts only by twovests
Moonside wrote
Reply to Cities: Skylines released an update where you can make free form park "zones" with lots of props to build from, and now trees shield noise!!!!! by hollyhoppet
Really impressed that they bothered to model tree noise reduction. Now I only need to lobby people to get it done irl