Recent comments in /f/vote_satan
Moonside wrote
Reply to comment by musou in NEVER READ A BOOK by devtesla
I unironically (by which I mean 'genuinely' in an internet acceptable fashion) wish book stores and libraries had more manga. I'd really like to read some classic manga something fierce.
Moonside wrote (edited )
Reply to NEVER READ A BOOK by devtesla
There is zero rehashing of personality clashes between dead men in my life.
Doesn't explain why you ain't reading Djuna Barnes right this second
Moonside wrote
Reply to comment by toasthaste in [cw elon musk sex party] Calling it now: furry party by cute_spider_ni_srsly
I am actually not sure if they are such moneybags, it's just that they i) actually do commission artists since they have a need (you can't free ride your way into having your fursona illustrated) ii) buying or making a decent fursuit needs resources, money, skills and/or equipment.
It's like how gaming is by now super widespread, but PC Master Race is elitist as fuck as to build a high class gaming computer you need not only expensive computer, but also peripherals, where as someone with less funds buys a console to reuse their TV or games on mobile or web or plays retro games and so on. But PC gaming isn't really a moneybags affair either.
neku wrote
opening this article to a huge pic of elon musks nasty ass rictus was a deeply unnerving experience. thinking about elon musk at a sex party is roughly about as bad
toasthaste wrote
the only type of sex party worth going to
(disclaimer: I have never been to a furry sex party and am furry-adjacent at most)
but for real though furries as a demographic seem to have piles of money so I bet a ton of them are working in the tech sector
devtesla OP wrote
Reply to comment by pushbroom in NEVER READ A BOOK by devtesla
pushbroom wrote
Reply to NEVER READ A BOOK by devtesla
hot take: actually books are ok
Fangren wrote
Reply to NEVER READ A BOOK by devtesla
0/10 would not read
mallaidh wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in NEVER READ A BOOK by devtesla
tweet, toot (on mastodon), magazine, book
the four lengths of written works
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by mallaidh in NEVER READ A BOOK by devtesla
It's like a tweet but really long and boring
musou wrote
Reply to NEVER READ A BOOK by devtesla
i'm queering the anime-liker / book-liker binary
toasthaste wrote
Reply to NEVER READ A BOOK by devtesla
hmm.......... books, are good, actually
hitto wrote
Reply to NEVER READ A BOOK by devtesla
sometimes i read a book and pretend its an anime
devtesla OP wrote
Reply to comment by RefloodTheFens in NEVER READ A BOOK by devtesla
This is true, I can't do anything about it.
RefloodTheFens wrote
Reply to NEVER READ A BOOK by devtesla
i read part of a book today and there's nothing you can do about it
devtesla OP wrote
Reply to comment by jorty in NEVER READ A BOOK by devtesla
wow... the first good book
jorty wrote
Reply to NEVER READ A BOOK by devtesla
im going to read a book, hell im gonna write about u in one n u will never realize.
*publishes 'devtesla is my fav frond'*
razz wrote
Reply to NEVER READ A BOOK by devtesla
this is a bad take bruh
devtesla OP wrote
Reply to comment by mallaidh in NEVER READ A BOOK by devtesla
devtesla OP wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in NEVER READ A BOOK by devtesla
there's nothing stopping you from making your own forums for hating anime and loving books
voxpoplar wrote
Reply to comment by musou in NEVER READ A BOOK by devtesla
I read one once. It was spoopy.
musou wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in NEVER READ A BOOK by devtesla
what about manga... the anime of books
mallaidh wrote
Reply to NEVER READ A BOOK by devtesla
what's a book
voxpoplar wrote
Reply to NEVER READ A BOOK by devtesla
why am I not allowed to say anime is bad but devtesla is allowed to say books are bad >:|
devtesla wrote
Reply to [cw elon musk sex party] Calling it now: furry party by cute_spider_ni_srsly
my job here as admin is to edit cws into all of srslys weird posts