Submitted by devtesla in vote_satan

I'm not like an expert in the country or anything but from what I've seen, Guaido is kind of full of shit and convinced a bunch of Americans and the press that he's the true ruler of the country, yet doesn't have the support everyone else thinks or wishes he has. That's why all his "coup"s have failed despite the US government clearly doing everything it can to give him an advantage.

Considering the extraordinarily bloody history the US has in South America I'm going to say this is a good thing that he can't oust Maduro.

Anyway donate to Mike Gravel because American imperialism needs to fucking die.



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flabberghaster wrote

I think they kind of don't really care they will just do an invasion anyway and call it toppling a dictator.

I think the minimal level of effort taken to appear even somewhat legitimate is just kind of an I to dot and a T to cross.