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neku wrote (edited )

im genuinely a little pissed i didnt get one

e: lol

Twitter says it will email 677,775 people in the U.S. to warn that they interacted with Russian propaganda accounts linked to the Internet Research Agency (IRA), a St. Petersburg–based troll farm that significantly disrupted the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

[citation needed]


smart4301 wrote

fails miserably- at least one account marked as a russian psyop was just a regular twitter leftist (the one who first made the 'I can be your angle or your devil' meme, apparently, although I am unable to confirm)


devtesla OP wrote

I got one of these! I want to know what I liked lol


flabberghaster wrote

Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back twitter.

They really have an inflated opinion of their important in the world IMO. I think this whole "twitter bots swung the election" is just twitter investors trying to make the company seem influential for capitalist reasons. That and democrats trying to explain why their abysmal performance is actually not their fault and more neoliberalism is the right approach.