Submitted by twovests in vote_satan (edited )
i would like a united states presidential candidate who will win the election who both (1) calls for and (2) can reasonably achieve:
the dissolution of the state of israel and the restoration of palestine
formally denounce (and make illegal) christianity
no more death penalty, except for people who support the death penalty
completely cut off the US trade ties with israel (interim for dissolution), the united kingdom, china, myanmar, russia, probably a bunch of other countries i am forgetting, and (and especially) the united states
use the US military force for one final effort: send all the nukes in the world to space
propose and implement a model for communism
raise the age of consent to 30
after accomplishing the above within their first 100 days, propose and implement a plan for the complete dissolution of the united states by the end of their term
and even with all the above, this would be a pretty significant compromise with what i'm comfortable with