Submitted by twovests in technology
I have a job I really like: Decently-paying job, good benefits, 100% work-from-home, doing fullstack development on a pretty agreeable stack, corporate is still committed to diversity and inclusion, they use my name everywhere except my tax forms, the work we do isn't particularly evil (other than being a part of capitalism), no drama in the team.
But we are deep deep deep in on AWS, and every thing I learn feels like poison I am allowing into my brain. When bombs drop on us-east-1, they'll be begging me to help set up on-prem racks, I am sure of it.
devtesla wrote
aws really feels like a trap, easy to start but inertia will keep you on the platform once you start getting huge bills and hitting problems. but it's a "no one has ever been fired for choosing aws" situation so rip.