jstpst.net source is now publicly available!
gitlab.comSubmitted by hollyhoppet in meta (edited )
it's not that much different from the main postmill though lol
Submitted by hollyhoppet in meta (edited )
it's not that much different from the main postmill though lol
Not really... I mean you can look at the issue list which I keep organized and up-to-date. If you want to take something on though gimme a holler first just in case I have plans for it. Thumbnails are mine.
Actually, I'll go ahead and mark any issue I don't want to take care of myself as unassigned to give you a better idea of what I'm cool with delegating to someone else
There's the list of issues for the main version of Postmill, I'm sure /u/emma would really appreciate any contributions to it
Weird, do you mean to have the repo set so that you need to be signed into GitLab to view it? Because it's telling me I need to sign in to view it, even though I don't need to do that for the original version of Postmill
Woops! Fixed it.
Few points
First of all thanks for this! I did arrive at some sore points while creating my theme that Ought To Be Fixed imo.
Is there a way to follow a project on Gitlab? I couldn't find anything. I could follow you, but perhaps you don't want that particularly.
You might want to remove the reference to Bitcoins in read me file or at least clarify it's (probably) Emma on the receiving end.
oh i can't promise anything cause i'm not good at PHP but i figured i'd at least give it a looksee just in case
musou wrote
ayy nice! is there a list of desired contributions anywhere?