Recent comments in /f/killallgames

musou wrote

Reply to comment by toasthaste in time for a hot take by hollyhoppet

i sorta understand why MTG does it but in digital formats, cards can be nerfed immediately at any time if they're too imbalanced, so it should be a lot easier to preserve balance without expiring cards... plus, i'm not really opposed to the idea of a game being "complete". the need to continually be selling new cards is just capitalism making games worse


toasthaste wrote

Reply to comment by musou in time for a hot take by hollyhoppet

while I don't love having to get new cards for rotating formats, they're the only viable solution to power creep I've ever seen, and for me at least the overall 'feel' is infinitely preferable to that of the eternal, been-solved-for-years formats. (at least in MTG, I never really got into hearthstone).


musou wrote

i was sorta on board with hearthstone until they did the MTG thing where you cards expire after a while. u are definitely right


twovests OP wrote

Here is my Tumblr ask and the response Undertale gave:

I asked: My computer is p shitty but I'm definitely interested in this game; I love your work. (The making of the Earthbound Halloween hack was an interesting read; I still need to play it!) Do you have an estimate for the lower-end of the computer spectrum able to run this game? If a Linux release is made in the future, would I have to buy the game again? And lastly, being DRM free, I do not need Steam to play it? Sorry for these excessive questions, I hope I'm not asking you something answered earlier!

Undertale answered: Yes you can buy it DRM free on the undertale website. People were able to run it on a windows XP with like… 3 gigs of RAM or something? It’ll probably be playable