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voxpoplar wrote

I can't remember what I ate for lunch I don't know when the fuck anything was released


Moonside wrote

Same, but honestly these best of the decade lists also show how out of the loop I am with arts and media. For example I'm currently playing through Fallout 2 (1998) and on the fourth season of King of the Hill (1999-2007). I don't regret it as it's fun to go back to old things that are out of the zeitgeist and see that they're good too, still.

I don't really know where to get introduced to good contemporary stuff in a way that doesn't bore or revolt me. Fannish hype of social media is a turn off, like I absolutely don't want to know anything Star Wars related unless Hbomberguy lands a video defending the prequels. I don't want to know about what MCU or Disney+ means for diversity/contemporary politics/whatever, not as a blanket dismissal of a topic, but I don't need to know about it. Criticism is an industry and has long been one, but now I can't be arsed to consume it.

I mostly post to unburden my mind of the things it's been bothered by, so let just this be the occasion to say out loud that I will ignore all podcast, streaming and TV recommendations next year and clear my to be read and watch later lists as well. I'll cultivate my Library of Stuff (because the decade taught me that physical media is occasionally very good) instead and go out to events more.