Submitted by twovests in killallgames


CHIEF: What was that?

CORTANA: I'm not certain... 

CORTANA: It appeared to be some form of hard light, at least.

CHIEF: Yikes.

CHIEF: It looks like on Halo, Combat Evolved.

CORTANA: It looks like life evolved on Halo, too. 

The Legend of Zelda

GANON: Muahahaha

HORSE: Neigheighiegh



ZELDA: The Ocarina of Time! You must grab it!


HORSE: Neigheigheigh

Sonic the Hedgehog 3:

SONIC: I don't know how I can keep going forward after this.

SONIC: I want revenge. I know it's wrong, but I do.

SONIC: How do I work with these feelings?

TOM: Well, I don't know how to answer that.

TOM: I just know you have to keep doing what you do best.

TOM: You're good at adventuring and saving the day.

TOM: So, Sonic? Adventure. Battle, too.

SONIC: For the Nintendo Gamecube?

TOM: What? No, it's bigger than that. 

TOM: You need to do this for all of us.


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