Submitted by twovests in just_post

it's been ten years of apple's shitty class-warfare machine intentionally disproportionately excluding marginalized groups

  • people with less money are less likely to own iphones and more likely to own androids

  • black and brown people are less likely to own iphones and more likely to own androids

  • people with a lower education level are less likely to own iphones and more likely to own androids

apple has admitted that they profit on imessage through class warfare. the exclusion is intentional:

"I am concerned the iMessage on Android would simply serve to remove [any] obstacle to iPhone families giving their kids Android phones"

leftists know this and still opt to use imessage.

if this is the first time you're learning this and you use imessage, congratulations! turning off imessage is the best return-on-investment action you can take to undo inequality.

it's a tiny sacrifice! it's a tiny bit of privilege you can kinda opt out of! if you're white and college-educated, i'm ESPECIALLY talking to you!

you simply

  • settings > messages > turn off imessage
  • settings > facetime > turn off facetime

i feel that Our Very Online kind of leftism generally already knows capitalism is evil, imessage is class warfare, etc.

but i find myself in a leftist apathy when the leftists i know IRL organize using groupchats on iMessage: The Whiter, Wealthier Chat Platform.



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__0 wrote

I don’t even want to have to use a phone or a computer in everyday life… but here i am with my unstoppable tech addiction (along with the rest of the society i live in)

Unfortunately having secure physical spaces to organize in is also something that is exclusionary financially, the money to rent a space is astronomical due to basing the value of an economy in real estate value… But if you can find ways to create free space where people can socialize they will also find ways to also use that space to help them in other ways.