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musou wrote

yeah i like crystal light which is basically the same idea as the koolaid stuff, my tap water has a pretty funky taste that filters don't really remove very well so i just try to cover it up instead. probably not the healthiest thing i could be consuming but it makes it a lot easier to get 80+ fl oz of water in me a day, i figure it's better than being lowkey dehydrated in a high altitude low humidity environment


flabberghaster OP wrote

Crystal light is sugar free isn't it? What's wrong with it? Probably not ideal but it's not like... Actively bad as far as I know is it?


musou wrote

i mean it Tastes... but there's Nothing in it on the label. so i have to imagine whatever they put in there to make it Taste is actually Something, just in small enough quantities that it legally qualifies as Nothing. i don't know the first thing about food science, i just know that someone told me artificial sweeteners were bad for me as a kid, and whenever i see a blank nutritional label for something that isn't actually exactly just water i get a little suspicious