Submitted by twovests in just_post (edited )

I fell in love with the technical prowess and true-to-form style of the original Lego movie, and I was instantly and similarly enchanted again when watching the Batman movie. I am only a casual fan of stop-motion, but I was very impressed with the clouds in the intro, just as I was with the watery waves in the Lego movie.

The movie has to ride a thin-line of humor funny enough for adult audiences, but friendly enough for kids. The movie starts off strong by nearly implying Batman has a muscular dick, and I am not joking. Toilet humor in any other context, but near-impossible to pull off tastefully and humorously in a kids movie.

Early on, the Joker cements himself as, surprisingly, the most serious and fleshed-out character. He feels like a real person in a movie where every character is intentionally one-dimensional. This was surprising, but like, it works, y'know?

This is compared to Batman, an annoying rich billionaire macho-dude who's full of himself, and has the confidence of someone who knows he has plot armor. Batman even brags about being a billionaire who doesn't pay his taxes. God I hope Batman dies. That would completely subverse my expectations for kids movies for all time.

I am not joking: Batman canonically commits tax fraud.

It's funny when Yoshi does it, because he isn't a billionaire. I really, really hope Batman suffers a downfall and a character arc, dies, or the roles are reversed and the Joker turns out to be the hero.

And for you Homestucks: The first ten minutes end establishing the Joker and Batman in a vacillating kismesis and I am not joking.

All in all, 10/10, the first 10 minutes have be absolutely wanting to keep watching.

EDIT: about 30 minutes through, this is my favorite batman so far



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nomorepie wrote

actual lol. I remember liking the character of joker in this movie, and what they did with him, not so sold on batman, although they had to make him quite flawed at the beginning to have a meaningful redemption arc. they should make other movies in lego as well. my proposal is little women