Submitted by bunnies in just_post

Christiania is an old military base in Copenhagen that was occupied by leftist youths in the seventies. At the time, it was somewhat common to squat old abandoned buildings, but few remain today. Christiania is one of the few squats that ended up with a semi-legal status. Today it's mostly known as a place where you can easily buy weed, even though that's very much illegal in Denmark. Whether it's still controlled by leftists, or by drug selling gangs, is somewhat up for debate. In any case, this is their unofficial anthem, written in 1975. I think the idea that you can't fight revolutionaries with all your power because they're your own children is a very powerful one:

I kan ikke slå os ihjel You can't kill us
I har slået med knipler you've hit us with batons
I har truet med våben you've threatened us with weapons
I har prøvet at stoppe you've tried to stop
jeres egne børns råben - your own childrens' shouts
I kan komme med hjelme you can come with helmets
og hule paragraffer and empty statutes
men I burde snart ku' indse but you should soon realize
det er jer selv I straffer you're only punishing yourselves
|: I kan ikke slå os ihjel |: you can't kill us
I kan ikke slå os ihjel you can't kill us
I kan ikke slå os ihjel you can't kill us
vi er en del af jer selv :| we're a part of you :|
I holder på magten you hold the power
og støtter det I kender support what you know
I kæmper jeres kampe you fight your fights
for at vinde nye stemmer to win new votes
låser vores døre locking our doors
med sikkerhedskæder with safety chains
vi er mennesker som lever we're humans, living
ler og kæmper mens vi græder laughing and fighting while we cry
|: I kan ikke slå os ihjel |: you can't kill us
I kan ikke slå os ihjel you can't kill us
I kan ikke slå os ihjel you can't kill us
vi er en del af jer selv :| we're a part of you :|
I kan sætte os i fængsel you can imprison us
og fjerne os fra verden remove us from the world
I kan sætte detektiver you can assign detectives
til at følge vores færden - to follow our movements
I kan splitte alt med bomber you can shatter it all with bombs
lægge hele verden øde devestate the whole world
er det os eller er det jer selv is it us, or is it yourselves
I er bange for at møde? you're afraid of meeting?
|: I kan ikke slå os ihjel |: you can't kill us
I kan ikke slå os ihjel you can't kill us
I kan ikke slå os ihjel you can't kill us
vi er en del af jer selv :| we're a part of you :|


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Moonside wrote

Reading Danish is so weird from Swedish as a second language perspect