I'm working on an EarthBound theme for Jstpst. Here's a teaser on what's coming!
i.imgur.comI did this mock up in Chrome! It's imitating EarthBound file select and character naming screens and it turns out that you can emulate those boxes surprisingly well with CSS. Which is good because I love them, in all flavors, plain, mint, strawberry, banana and peanut! Since this is a mockup it's not exactly ready yet. (Also lol at the broken navigations boxes.)
This version - day mode - of the theme is fully usable even it has no cool boxes yet. To see it in action hop over to /f/ourside with custom forum themes enabled or switch your global theme to Moonside/Saturn-Valley in your user settings.
The night mode is more complete and is based on Moonside. I asked Emma on Gitlab to implement background images to let me do this. So it's pretty much that except it has no spiffin' nightscape background yet!
hollyhoppet admin wrote
this is fuckin dope