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musou wrote

i really can't stomach voting for him a third time. SC justices getting lifetime appointments is itself part of the systemic problem we face; between that and the complete takeover of our electoral process by corporate finance, and the rampant voter suppression and gerrymandering, and the absolutely anti-democratic way in which the DNC primaries are run, i am more pessimistic on the prospect of accomplishing even the mild electoral reforms sanders has been proposing than i have ever been. politically speaking, biden is to the right of richard nixon. he has multiple credible sexual abuse allegations against him and i am a survivor of multiple assaults myself. i can't help but feel that casting another vote for biden would signify my continued assent for this interminably corrupt political system, and i frankly don't have it in me. like flabberghaster i intend to vote for local candidates instead. when it's time to riot in the streets, i'll be there. i know this sounds hyperbolic, but if the choice is between getting shot dead in the streets by a riot cop and casting a third vote for joe biden, i'll take my chances with the cop. they haven't outlawed body armor yet, at least.