Submitted by neku in just_post

  1. What are the qualities of a safe driver?
  2. Do you think that you're a safe driver? Why or why not?

this is homework for a defensive driving course i'm taking. in new zealand taking this course knocks 6 months off the amount of time you have to wait before you can get a full license. because i'm a shutin and not a teenager i dont know anyone who hasn't been driving for less than five years so i gotta ask the internet.

even if you dont answer thanks for reading :)



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flabberghaster wrote

  1. Making sure you're aware of your surroundings at all times. Habitually checking mirrors, looking out your side windows, checking your blind spots, always signalling -- and doing this without thinking about it. Making sure it's part of the normal stuff you do as a driver without even noticing you're doing it.

  2. I consider myself to be one, but the vast majority of drivers consider themselves to be better than average drivers, so i kinda take that with a grain of salt :)

Good luck on your class I hope you pass!


Moonside wrote

I've never driven an inch. I kinda feel it's inapproriate for me to answer, even if it probably doesn't matter, but good luck!


twovests wrote

I only ever drove to practice and get my license. I have awful spatial awareness, I cannot properly control a car, and when I was driving I was putting peoples lives at some risk. I should not have a license, but I do.

Luckily, I don't need a car, I bike and use public transportation.

This is how I might answer: A safe driver is one who respects the huge responsibility they have over other people's lives. The need for a license should be lower and the bar should be higher. In a more ideal society, anybody who texts while driving or fails to use turn signals should be barred from driving for a year.

Anybody who disagrees with this probably isn't a safe driver, and probably likes Louis CK. I know this may seem extreme, but so is murdering others or yourself through a drivers hubris