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cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote (edited )

The Cyrcle Phone 7 is the new flagship phone from Cyrcle, the company that revolutionized the idea of the non-rectangular phone. Fans are upset after the initial reveal, which involves a "twist" on the Cyrcle phone 5, the original "donut" phone. The Cyrcle Phone 7's twist makes it into a mobius strip design. The major issues are twofold:

only half of the mobius strip is screen, meaning you still have a top and bottom to your screen. You might as well be using a rectangle phone.

the phone still uses an old-style rigid body, meaning that part of the screen is hidden by other parts of the phone. the inaccessible portion of the screen is in the middle, rather than the top or bottom, meaning that the phone was good for 3DS emulation and not much else.

These two major design flaws crippled the Cyrcle Phone 7's launch, and the Cyrcle company did not survive the following year. Older Cyrcle phones in good condition are highly valued among fans, and only motorola has filled the niche market of "ridiculously shaped phones" with their Mootooroola line, which are universally despised for every reason.