Submitted by cute_spider in just_post (edited )

Every time there's a drug commercial you're like, "WOOOOAH THEY SAID THE NAME OF THE SHOOOOOOW" and that's pretty fun. it's really funny how the values of the main character undercut the advertisements. and like a third of the commercials are drug commercials so it works

besides all that i mean I'm really enjoying it. i autistic-listened to the show about four times already so yeah good enough for a post



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cowloom wrote

every so often I am reminded that advertisements exist

I have gone to such great lengths to eschew all ads, that whenever I see one I am instantly nettled, and make a vow to never buy whatever they're selling

my life is so much more peaceful without ads being shoved down my throat


cute_spider OP wrote

I'm starting to slowly go back to ads, since they break up my screen-time with opportunities to get up and stop watching a screen


nomorepie wrote (edited )

"nettled" is a good verb

Edit: or a djective