Submitted by twovests in just_post

Hey everybody, it's Silicon Valley here, with an idea for a new product. The Conversationero.

It's a plastic box that you embed in the wall of your home, so that you can talk to other Conversationero owners.

First, simply enter the four-to-seventeen digit friend code which uniquely addresses the Conversationero Box you want to begin a conversation on.

How do you enter the code? Simply enter your finger into the correct Conversationero Number Hole, rotate the Number Hole Dial to the stopper, and then release your finger to allow the Number Hole Dial to retract. Repeat for the remaining three-to-sixteen digits.

Instantly, a loud shrill ringing bell will rip through the recipients house, alerting them that you are demanding a meeting with them!

The bell will continue to ring until an action is taken on the recipients end! There is no limit to how many Conversationero Conversations you can start. You can begin a Conversationero Conversation with anyone, at any time.

Available for the low low price of $215, we're excited to make this product functionally necessary for participation in society.



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rain wrote

What’s more, you can vaguely predict how much your Conversationero Conversations will cost based on how many numbers you have to “dial.” But be warned, there are tricky numbers that cost more than others, and bonus numbers that cost less - or even nothing! to have a Conversationero Conversation with. It’s a surprise every month with Conversationero!