Submitted by skookin in just_post

its spring where i am, and the yard salad is in full swing! yard salad is what i call any wild-growing edible plant that's good to eat raw. is probably the species i have in my yard. its tangy and delicious, not bitter like many wild greens. it grows vigorously, always trying to shade out my seedlings of other plants. excessive consumption can cause kidney stones and calcium deficiency due to the oxalic acid, which is also present in leafy greens like spinach, parsley, chives, etc. later in the season, a rust will overtake the plant, but for now its so green and lovely. the flowers are beautiful in a salad!

as with any wild food: be sure of your ID before you consume anything, don't pick from polluted areas, and give everything a good wash before eating.

a photo of an oxalis plant. there are many shamrocks that look like 3 green heart shapes joined at the point, and purple-pink trumpet shaped flowers


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